Sunday, November 9, 2014

Baby Evelynn

What's more exciting than a new baby?!
The answer is, nothing. Babies are the best. Especially when they are as cute as little Evelynn is!
Evelynn's mom, Kaitlyn, and I got in touch with each other a few months ago on Facebook and discussed some different options for a newborn shoot.
Everyone has a different story and this one is a little unique. Kaitlyn is living here in Utah with her two boys while her husband is deployed. She has family around but someone was definitely missing on delivery day.
Her husband is a Marine (Thank you for your service!) and shortly after little E was 20 weeks or so, her daddy had to be on his way.
One way we thought to include him while he was gone was to do a mini-hospital shoot. Catch all the little details that he wouldn't be able to see first hand. It's funny how fast you forget all the little things right after a little one is born. What the room looked like, who came to visit, how small they were. A hospital shoot is a nice way to capture all of those details that get so quickly forgotten in the 'new baby' delirium that sets in once you get home
I know this is nothing like being there in person, but hopefully Dad will enjoy these until he can get his hands on her in real life.

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